The moment we’ve all been waiting for is here… Spring garden time! All of the home and garden stores are packed with seeds and starter plants. But what to buy?
It can be pretty overwhelming, especially for a first time gardener.I will tell you my favorite seeds to plant to get you started.
This is all about what to grow in your garden for spring.

Here are my favorite things to grow for spring!
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Whether you eat them fresh or use them to make your own spaghetti sauce, tomatoes are a must. There are so many different types of tomatoes that it can be hard to decide which ones to grow.
Some varieties are best for eating fresh while some are best for making sauces. I always grow lots of Roma tomatoes because I like to make my own marina sauce .
My son loves cherry tomatoes so I always grow a few plants for him. Do some research and decide what variety will be best for your family.
Cucumbers are great to plant because they grow so quickly and produce so much. Make sure that you have a trellis for the cucumbers to climb up on because they grow like a vine.
There are two types of cucumbers, pickling and slicing cucumbers. Slicing varieties are best eaten fresh while the pickling varieties are best for well… pickling! I always plant a few of each so I can eat them all year long.
Green Beans
Green beans are one of the easiest vegetables to grow in my opinion. They also grow super fast. Green beans only take around fifty to sixty days to grow from seeds to harvest. There are two main types of green beans, pole and bush.
Pole beans require a trellis because they climb like a vine, while bush beans stay short and stout.
Potatoes are a good staple crop. They can be added to almost any dish, and are fairly easy to grow. Make sure you are planting “seed” potatoes and not just potatoes from the grocery store.
The potatoes from the grocery store are treated with sprout inhibitors and will rot If you plant them. You can usually find seed potatoes at your local feed store or nursery. Ask them what variety will grow best in your climate.
Herbs are great for beginner gardeners because they’re pretty resilient. Some of them even come back year after year. There are also many different kinds of herbs.
Some are used for cooking, to add flavor to food while some are used for medicinal purposes. My favorite herbs to grow are basil, rosemary, thyme and oregano.
You can harvest them and use them fresh, or hang them to dry for long term storage.
I hope that you plant these in your garden this spring! What are your favorite things to grow? Let me know in the comments!